Q: How do I know which level of French course do I belong in?
A: We will assess your level of French to determine if you need to take our French as a Second Language courses or if your French is high enough for our advanced courses.
Q: What is the best course to develop my language skills?
A: If you do not know which course to choose, we can make arrangements to help you. Press "contact us", and let us guide you.
Q: When are the courses available?
A: We offer courses between 9am and 8pm, to give flexibility in scheduling.
Q: How much do your courses cost?
A: Our "Advanced French" courses are free of charge. They are part of our Literacy and Basic Skills program funded by the Ministry. The "French as a Second Language (FSL)" courses have a fee, as well as a purchase of a workbook. Our prices will be posted on our Facebook page during the promotion of our courses.
Q: When can I start?
A: There are three 12-week sessions; Fall, Winter, and Spring. With the exception of the conversation classes which run from September to June and you can join at anytime.
Q: Are there courses during the summer?
A: We are closed for July and August.